Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 4, 2007

Golf Lessons. Playing with the Pros. Stewart Cink

18Playing Lessons From The Pros - Golf Channel This Episode: Stewart Cink gives playing lessons

Where else can you have Jack Nicklaus give you pointers on long-iron play, or hear John Daly tell you why his backswing goes so far past parallel? Many more - names like Lopez, Faldo, Janzen, Feherty - take us on a casual practice round, discussing their game, course strategy and practical tips along the way.
Playing Lessons From The Pros is a series on the Golf Channel in which a playing or teaching professional plays a short round of golf with a celebrity, another pro or sometimes by themselves and gives insights as the the thinking going on in playing a competitive round. The pro explains how the holes should be played. What to look for, where to hit, how to approach the layout in the most efficient way. Additionally tips may be given on specific swing issues usually from specific lies. Its a great teaching/learning experience to follow a pro around and hear how and why each stroke is thought out in advance.
avi file

Thanks are appreciated and will keep the links alive.
More golf instruction is available in the forum. Just search with golf in title.

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